Auteur Sujet: Ca sent le poney ou bien ?  (Lu 4197 fois)

Hors ligne saviola78

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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« le: 03/12/08 21:30 »
j'ai trouvé un classe A 180 CDI full option sur autoscout, ... 7500€ de 2007 avec tres peu de km ... j'commence a parler au vendeur par mail en demandant des renseignements sur la voiture et l'erreur sur le prix ..

The price is not wrong. It is 7500 eur. The expedition of the car and registration to your name is done with a business insurance company , Central Courier Ltd. , that is a company  for the sales and international transportations of vehicles , this company work like an escrow. With this company you can see and to verify the car before buying it. You have 5 days at disposition to test the car. You can go with the car to a workshop in France to verify the motor and all the mechanical thing. I will pay all the transport tax.  Thus you will be able to verify the perfect operation and reliability by a professional.  Also deal with the roles in a agency, lawyer and all.  Here are the steps of the transaction:

1) I will go with the car at the company.  
2) The business will investigate all the roles with for seeing if all is legal before doing the delivery.
3) After that all this verified and no problem exists the company will contact with you. You need to deposit 20% of the total price (1500 euro) to the company.So that they can do the delivery to your house. The transport and all the expenses will be paid by me , the total price for the car is 7500 euro.

TIP: The deposit will stay at the company , after you receive and test the car you must tell at the company if want to buy the car or not. If you don't want
to buy the car the company will pay your deposit back , and they will take the car back to me on my costs. If you agree to buy it , the company will pay me , and you will pay the difference of money at the agent from the company.

I need this information so i can proceed the transaction:

First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:

Thank you!

je lui donne les 1500€ ?  [:saviola78:8]
Le condylure ne croit pas en kakaaproot

Hors ligne KuNkS

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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« Réponse #1 le: 03/12/08 22:36 »
donne lui sans la moindre hésitation, tout porte à penser que c'est tres honnete :o
Dieu m'a crAe juste pour vous en mettre plein la vue AmoiIl Atait tellement obsAdA qu'A la fin il sautait mAme des repas.Le sexe c'est comme les Apinards, quand on te force A en manger quand t'es petit, t'aimes plus Aa quand t'es grand. Ack / ________

Hors ligne KuNkS

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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« Réponse #2 le: 03/12/08 22:38 »
serieux y'a vraiement des gogoles qui s'imaginent qu'un transporteur va acheminer une caisse et que l'acheteur potentiel dira si oui ou non il l'a prend et a defaut elle repart sans couter le moindre sou ?
hein ? [:matleflou]
Dieu m'a crAe juste pour vous en mettre plein la vue AmoiIl Atait tellement obsAdA qu'A la fin il sautait mAme des repas.Le sexe c'est comme les Apinards, quand on te force A en manger quand t'es petit, t'aimes plus Aa quand t'es grand. Ack / ________

Hors ligne saviola78

  • Commercial en Telephonie
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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« Réponse #3 le: 03/12/08 22:56 »
bah ecoute ... ya bien des pigeons par mail avec western union :o
Le condylure ne croit pas en kakaaproot

Hors ligne Chamann

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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« Réponse #4 le: 04/12/08 12:11 »
j'ai trouvé un classe A 180 CDI full option sur autoscout, ... 7500€ de 2007 avec tres peu de km ... j'commence a parler au vendeur par mail en demandant des renseignements sur la voiture et l'erreur sur le prix ..

The price is not wrong. It is 7500 eur. The expedition of the car and registration to your name is done with a business insurance company , Central Courier Ltd. , that is a company  for the sales and international transportations of vehicles , this company work like an escrow. With this company you can see and to verify the car before buying it. You have 5 days at disposition to test the car. You can go with the car to a workshop in France to verify the motor and all the mechanical thing. I will pay all the transport tax.  Thus you will be able to verify the perfect operation and reliability by a professional.  Also deal with the roles in a agency, lawyer and all.  Here are the steps of the transaction:

1) I will go with the car at the company.  
2) The business will investigate all the roles with for seeing if all is legal before doing the delivery.
3) After that all this verified and no problem exists the company will contact with you. You need to deposit 20% of the total price (1500 euro) to the company.So that they can do the delivery to your house. The transport and all the expenses will be paid by me , the total price for the car is 7500 euro.

TIP: The deposit will stay at the company , after you receive and test the car you must tell at the company if want to buy the car or not. If you don't want
to buy the car the company will pay your deposit back , and they will take the car back to me on my costs. If you agree to buy it , the company will pay me , and you will pay the difference of money at the agent from the company.

I need this information so i can proceed the transaction:

First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:

Thank you!

je lui donne les 1500€ ?  [:saviola78:8]


C'est dingue ce qu'on arrive à trouver...
Les femmes seront les Agales des hommes lorsqu'elles pourront se balader en ville chauve et avec un gros bide, tout en se trouvant sAduisantes / Vive les ExcAs !!!

Hors ligne saviola78

  • Commercial en Telephonie
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Ca sent le poney ou bien ?
« Réponse #5 le: 04/12/08 20:51 »
j'ai envoyé les 1500€ :o

non j'déconne [:topicalacon]
Le condylure ne croit pas en kakaaproot