Auteur Sujet: [projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?  (Lu 21072 fois)

Hors ligne megastef

  • bof
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Voilà, j'aimerais créer une photothèque familiale en ligne.

Le principe serait simple: une page d'accès sécurisée, un "taggage" des photos dans la base (nom, prénom, branche de la famille, évènement, date...), un moteur de recherche permettant d'afficher des galeries de photos dynamiques selon les tags sélectionnés. On pourra élargir le truc avec un formulaire de dépot de photo, où chaque réception de photo par ce biais m'alerterait sur une boite mail, me demandant de tagger la photo, voire donner l'accès a des super utilisateurs qui pourraient aussi tagger le stock de photos en attente.

J'ouvrirais l'accès à tous les membres de mes nombreuses familles (famille tuyau de poële, comme on dit)...

Avez-vous déja vu un truc du genre ? Un CMS ? Autre ?
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne MickeyNox

  • Hero Member
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #1 le: 12/08/10 15:25 »
Ouai je fais ça avec Windows media center ça fonctionne bien ....
I'm a I3omI3 !

Hors ligne megastef

  • bof
  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 6493
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #2 le: 12/08/10 15:51 »
Ok, tiens, voilà un sou pour t'acheter une clope, tu es visiblement en manque depuis un bon quart d'heure :D
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne MickeyNox

  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 8692
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #3 le: 12/08/10 15:55 »
non, je lis un truc passionant :

Spoiler: ShowHide
# $Id:,v 1.164 2009/11/04 21:49:52 $
# $Copyright: Copyright 1993 - 2009 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved $


# INSERT fn.set_echo_var
#----- $Id: fn.set_echo_var,v 1.5 2007/12/13 15:10:03 $ -----
#      This function is a case statement sets
#      the ECHO variable
#      with the appropriate path & flags.

#Define Echo to allow escape characters
case "`uname -s`" in
      eoslevel=`uname -r | cut -f1 -d"."`
      if [ "${eoslevel}" -ge "9" ] ; then
         ECHO="echo -e"
      ECHO="echo -e"
      ECHO="/bin/echo -e"

# INSERT fn.prompt
#----- $Id: fn.prompt,v 1.2 2004/11/22 20:01:21 $ -----
#   Prompt () - determines the flags to use to print
#         a line without a newline char
#   *** This function uses the set_echo_var function -${ECHO} to
#      define the Prompt function.
#   calling signature - Prompt "some string"
#   return value - none

case "`${ECHO} 'x\c'`" in
         ${ECHO} -n "$*"
         ${ECHO} "$*\c"
         ${ECHO} -n "$*"

# INSERT fn.confirm
#----- $Id: fn.confirm,v 1.5 2004/11/22 20:01:21 $ -----
#   confirm () - Takes three parameters:
#           1: "y" or "n" to be displayed as the default
#           2:  a prompt string to be displayed to the user
#           3:  help text string (optional)
#         It is expected that the Trace_File variable
#         has been set to a file or /dev/null.
#         *** This function uses the Prompt function
#            which uses the set_echo_var function - ${ECHO}.
#   calling signature:   confirm y "some string" [ "help text" ]
#               or
#            confirm n "some string" [ "help text" ]
#   returns:      0 for Yes, 1 for No

confirm ()
   if [ -n "${help}" ]; then
   Prompt "${2} [y,n${Q}] (${1}) "
   until [ ${valid} -ne 0 ]
      #read ans and if it is empty, initialize it with the default
      read ans
      : ${ans:=${1}}

      #write to the tracefile

      ${ECHO} ${ans} >> ${Trace_File}

      case "${ans}" in
            return 0 ;;
            return 1 ;;
            ${ECHO} ""
            ${ECHO} ${help}
            ${ECHO} ""
            Prompt "${2} [y,n${Q}] (${1}) "
            ${ECHO} ""
            Prompt "${ans} is invalid input.  Enter [y,n${Q}] (${1}) "

# INSERT fn.set_tar_options
#----- $Id: fn.set_tar_options,v 1.13 2010/01/06 21:24:28 $ -----
#      This function takes one parameter, a
#      string which is the MACHINE or platform type.
#      It sets two variables: TAR_C_OPTIONS and
#         TAR_X_OPTIONS
#      NOTE: The v flag is not handled in this function. If you want
#      to add the v flag, you need to set it in your scripts.
#      For example, place the v before the variable like so, v${TAR_X_OPTIONS}.
#      calling signature:
#         set_tar_options "MachineType"

set_tar_options ()
   case "${1}" in
      HP* | hp* )

         #c - create new archive
         #f - use given filename
         #A - suppress warning messages for ACL entries

         #x - extract
         #p - use original tarred file protection properties
         #f - use given filename
         #A - suppress warning messages for ACL entries

      * )
         #c - create new archive
         #f - use given filename

         #x - extract
         #p - use original tarred file protection propeties
         #f - use given filename

Normal_Exit () {

   if [ $INSTALL_NETBACKUP = 1 ] ; then
      if [ -d ${NB_DIR} ] ; then
         if [ ! -d ${NB_DIR}/logs/user_ops ] ; then
            mkdir -p ${NB_DIR}/logs/user_ops
         chmod 755 ${NB_DIR}/logs
         chmod 777 ${NB_DIR}/logs/user_ops
         chgrp bin ${NB_DIR}/logs ${NB_DIR}/logs/user_ops

   ${ECHO} "
Done executing `basename $0`.

If you ran `basename $0` instead of /install, you must
run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp to initiate NetBackup."

   exit 0

#  Remove possible stale links on the inactive nodes
#  of a NetBackup cluster.  On the active node, create
#  the links to the shared disk.

   #  Check if on a cluster.

   if [ -f ${RSP} ] ; then

      #  If the shared directory is not visible, we're on the
      #  inactive node.

      SHARED_DISK=`grep SHARED_DISK ${RSP} | sed -e s/SHARED_DISK// | \
         sed -e s/=// | sed 's/\..*$//'| sed -e s/' '//g`
      if [ ! -d ${SHARED_DISK}/netbackup/db/images ] ; then
         for link in ${DB_DIR}/var ${NB_DIR}/db \
            ${VM_DIR}/misc/robotic_db /usr/openv/var/global
            if [ -h ${link} ] ; then
               rm -f ${link}
         for link in netbackup/db volmgr/misc/robotic_db var/global
            if [ ! -h /usr/openv/${link} -a -d ${SHARED_DISK}/${link} ] ; then
               ln -s ${SHARED_DISK}/${link} /usr/openv/${link}

#   tar commands used on the local host

Transfer_Product ()

   if [ $IS_HP = 1 ] ; then
      ls -R $File > /dev/null 2>&1

   gunzip -c ${File} | ${TAR} v${SPEC_TAR_OPT}${TAR_X_OPTIONS} -
   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
      ${ECHO} "$TAR failed.  Aborting ..."
      exit 1

# Check if the normal install location is acceptable.
# Create the ln if it is not

Confirm_Location () {

   if [ -d ${ROOT_INST_DIR} ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "The existing ${ROOT_INST_DIR} directory will be used for ${Product}."
      sleep 1

      #  /usr/openv exists but not /usr/openv/netbackup/version.
      #  Could be a client being upgraded to a server.  We need
      #  full size so pass in multiplier and divisor of 5.

      upgrade_space_check 5 5
      if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
         if confirm n "Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files?"
            exit 1
      if [ -f ${CALL_path}/.sizes ] ; then
         . ${CALL_path}/.sizes

      if [ ! -d /usr/openv ] ; then
         Space=`(cd /usr; $DF . | tail -1 | eval "${awk_command}")`
         Space=`(cd /usr/openv; $DF . | tail -1 | eval "${awk_command}")`

      if [ $Space -lt $SpaceNeeded -a $SpaceNeeded != 0 ] ; then
         ${ECHO} "
There are $Space kbytes of space left in ${ROOT_INST_DIR}.
You will need about $SpaceNeeded kbytes of space to install $Product."
         if confirm y "Is it OK to install in ${ROOT_INST_DIR}?"
            mkdir -p ${ROOT_INST_DIR}
            chmod 755 ${ROOT_INST_DIR}

      while [ $NeedSpace = yes ]

         ${ECHO} "You must install in /BASEDIR/openv.
         while [ "${gotDir}" = "no" ]
            Prompt "Specify BASEDIR in /BASEDIR/openv or q to quit: "
            read INST_ROOT
            ${ECHO} ${INST_ROOT} >> ${Trace_File}
            : ${INST_ROOT:=NoInput}
            if [ "${INST_ROOT}" != "NoInput" ] ; then
               if [ "${INST_ROOT}" = "q" -o "${INST_ROOT}" = "Q" ] ; then
                  ${ECHO} "
You have chosen to exit this installation."
                  #  This needs to be non-zero or cdrom_install
                  #  will think bp.inst finished normally and
                  #  try to proceed and run install_bp.
                  exit 1
                  # Get rid of multiple slashes, make sure
                  # we start with one, and don't end with one.
                  INST_ROOT=`${ECHO} /${INST_ROOT} | sed -e "s;/*/;/;g"`
                  if [ "${INST_ROOT}" != "/" ] ; then
                     #remove a trailing /, plan to add it later
                     INST_ROOT=`${ECHO} ${INST_ROOT} | sed -e "s;/*$;;"`
                  if [ ! -d "$INST_ROOT" ] ; then
                     ${ECHO} "
$INST_ROOT is not a directory on this machine."

         Space=`(cd "$INST_ROOT"; $DF . | tail -1 | eval "${awk_command}")`

         if [ $Space -lt $SpaceNeeded ] ; then
            ${ECHO} "
$INST_ROOT is not large enough to install $Product.
There are $Space kbytes of space available on $INST_ROOT and
will need about $SpaceNeeded kbytes of space to install $Product."

         if [ "${INST_ROOT}" = "/" ] ; then

         # Remove possible bad /usr/openv link before
         # creating INST_ROOT (which could be /usr/openv).
         if symlink /usr/openv
            rm -f /usr/openv

         if [ ! -d ${INST_ROOT} ] ; then
            mkdir ${INST_ROOT}
            chmod 755 ${INST_ROOT}

         if [ "${INST_ROOT}" != "/usr/openv" ] ; then
            ${ECHO} "Creating link from /usr/openv to ${INST_ROOT}"
            ln -s ${INST_ROOT} /usr/openv

#  Assumes /usr/openv exists either as a real directory or a symbolic
#  link.  SpaceNeeded will be based off a percentage of what's in .sizes.
#  This function expects to be passed a multiplier and a divisor.

upgrade_space_check ()
   if [ -f ${CALL_path}/.sizes ] ; then
      . ${CALL_path}/.sizes
      SpaceNeeded=`expr \( ${NBSize} \* ${mult} \) / ${div}`

   Space=`(cd /usr/openv; ${DF} . | tail -1 | eval "${awk_command}")`
   if [ ${Space} -lt ${SpaceNeeded} -a ${SpaceNeeded} != 0 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "
There are ${Space} kbytes of space left in /usr/openv.  You will need about
${SpaceNeeded} kbytes of space to install NetBackup and Media Manager.  Refer
to the NetBackup Release Notes for UNIX, Windows and Linux for the most current
information on the minimum binary size requirements of NetBackup software for
each supported platform and operating system.
      return 1
   return 0

#   True if argument is a symbolic link, false otherwise.
   ls -ld "${1}" 2>/dev/null | grep "^l" > /dev/null

# Create the empty client directories the GUIs use for client definitions.
#       Input
#       $1      Hardware class
#       $2      OS class

create_empty ()
   for cdir in ${1} ${1}/${2}
      if [ ! -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${cdir} ] ; then
         mkdir ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${cdir}
         chmod 755 ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${cdir}
      chgrp bin ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${cdir}

##################### MAIN ####################




MYNAME=`basename $0`
CALL_path=`dirname $0`

# Make sure this is being run from root.
ISROOT=`id | egrep "^uid=0\("`
if [ "${ISROOT}" = "" ] ; then
   ${ECHO} "
$MYNAME must be run while logged in as root.
   exit 1

cd $CALL_path
cd ../../anb
cd ../../

cd $CWD


set_tar_options ${MACHINE}

# awk_command is how to get the available space from df output.
awk_command="awk '{print \$4}'"
case "$MACHINE" in
      # Don't care if PA-RISC or an IA64 processor
      DF="/usr/bin/df -b"
      awk_command="awk '{print \$( NF - 2 )}'"
      # Add the paths built into the shell as adding
      # contrib causes other paths to be lost.
      if [ "${MACHINE}" = "HP-UX-IA64" ] ; then
      #-P option prevents line wrap on linux
      DF="/bin/df -kP"
      clean_up_client="IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6 IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6 IBMzSeriesRedHat2.6 IBMzSeriesSuSE2.6 RedHat2.6"
   RS6000)   DF="/usr/bin/df -k"
      awk_command="awk '{print \$3}'"
   SOLARIS* | XXXX*)   ${ECHO} "Unknown hardware type
      exit 1 ;;

${ECHO} "
The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on $MACHINE hardware."

if [ ! -f ${NB_DIR}/version ] ; then
   if confirm y "Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files?"
      ${ECHO} "
NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in ${ROOT_INST_DIR}."
      Confirm_Location "NetBackup and Media Manager"
   OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL=`head -2 ${NB_DIR}/version | tail -1 | cut -f3 -d" "`

   ${ECHO} "
NetBackup is currently at release level ${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}.
This package will install release level ${RELEASE}."
   if [ "${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}" = "$RELEASE" ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "
No server update is needed."
      #  If the major/minor version levels are the same between
      #  what we had and what we're installing (for example, 6.0Alpha
      #  and 6.0Beta), don't bother doing a space check.
      #  Have to do an extra check if the old version comes out
      #  to be 4.5.  Need to distinguish between 4.5 and 4.5FP1.  An
      #  underscore in the original value makes the difference
      #  (4.5GA vs 4.5FP_3GA).  Only take the first two numbers as
      #  3.4.1 is "equal" to 3.4.

      old_level=`expr ${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} : '\([0-9.]*\)'`
      short_old_level=`${ECHO} ${old_level} | cut -f1,2 -d"."`
      if [ "${old_level}" = "4.5" ] ; then
         ${ECHO} ${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} | grep "_" > /dev/null 2>&1
         if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
            old_level=`${ECHO} ${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} | cut -f1 -d"_"`
      new_level=`expr ${RELEASE} : '\([0-9.]*\)'`
      short_new_level=`${ECHO} ${new_level} | cut -f1,2 -d"."`
      if [ "${short_old_level}" != "${short_new_level}" ] ; then
         #  Take 4/5 of the current size for a server upgrade.
         upgrade_space_check 4 5
         if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then

   if confirm ${space_answer} "Do you want to reinstall NetBackup and Media Manager?"
      ${ECHO} "NetBackup and Media Manager will be updated to release level $RELEASE."
      if [ ! -s ${NB_DIR}/$RELEASE -a "${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}" != "$RELEASE" ] ; then
         cp ${NB_DIR}/version ${NB_DIR}/$RELEASE

#  This needs to be non-zero or cdrom_install will think bp.inst finished
#  normally and try to proceed and run install_bp.

if [ $INSTALL_NETBACKUP = 0 ] ; then
   exit 1

if [ $IS_HP = 1 ] ; then
   ls -R ${CALL_path}/../../anb > /dev/null 2>&1

#  If nbinstck exists and fails, ask the override question.

if [ -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nbinstck ] ; then
   if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
      if confirm n "Do you wish to continue?"
         exit 1

#  Find bp.kill_all.  Could be in two possible spots depending
#  on what's installed.

if [ -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all ] ; then
elif [ -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all ] ; then

# Kill the NetBackup and Media Manager processes here.
if [ -f ${wheres_kill_all}/bp.kill_all ] ; then
   Trace_File=${Trace_File} ${wheres_kill_all}/bp.kill_all INSTALL
   if [ $? = 2 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Cannot upgrade when NetBackup or Media Manager processes are running.
Was not successful in terminating NetBackup or Media Manager processes."
      exit 1

if [ -d ${MSG_DIR} ] ; then
   for entry in ${MSG_DIR}/*
      if [ ! -d ${entry} ] ; then
      if [ ! -d ${entry}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
         ${ECHO} ${entry} | grep "\.[0-9]\." > /dev/null
         if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
            ${ECHO} "Saving ${entry} as ${entry}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
            mv ${entry} ${entry}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

NB_SUBDIRS="help bin/goodies"
for nb_subdir in $NB_SUBDIRS
   if [ ! -d ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a -d ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Saving .../netbackup/${nb_subdir} as ${nb_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
      mv ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir} ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}
      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
         ${ECHO} "
Error moving ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir} to ${NB_DIR}/${nb_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
         exit 1

NB_BINS="initbprd initbpdbm backup_exit_notify backup_notify bpend_notify bpend_notify_busy bpstart_notify dbbackup_notify diskfull_notify restore_notify session_notify session_start_notify userreq_notify"
for nb_binary in $NB_BINS
   if [ ! -f ${NB_BIN}/${nb_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      if [ -f ${NB_BIN}/${nb_binary} ] ; then
         ${ECHO} "Saving .../netbackup/bin/${nb_binary} as ${nb_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
         cp ${NB_BIN}/${nb_binary} ${NB_BIN}/${nb_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

# JNIs have moved to the client directory.  The server
# directory should no longer be needed.  Need to do this before
# client.inst as the old JNI was a symbolic link.

if [ -h /usr/openv/lib/libSigScheduleJNI.s? ] ; then
   rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libSigScheduleJNI.s?
rm -rf /usr/openv/lib/server

/bin/rm -f ${NB_BIN}/bp.inst ${NB_BIN}/cp_to_client ${NB_BIN}/ftp_to_client ${NB_BIN}/install_client
/bin/rm -rf ${NB_BIN}/goodies/support

for vm_subdir in $VM_SUBDIRS
   if [ ! -d ${VM_DIR}/${vm_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a -d ${VM_DIR}/${vm_subdir} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Saving .../volmgr/${vm_subdir} as ${vm_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
      cp -r ${VM_DIR}/${vm_subdir} ${VM_DIR}/${vm_subdir}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

VM_BINS="multihost_drive_notify drive_mount_notify drive_unmount_notify"
for vm_binary in ${VM_BINS}
   if [ ! -f ${VM_BIN}/${vm_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      if [ -f ${VM_BIN}/${vm_binary} ] ; then
         ${ECHO} "Saving .../volmgr/bin/${vm_binary} as ${vm_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
         cp ${VM_BIN}/${vm_binary} ${VM_BIN}/${vm_binary}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

if [ $Upgrade = 1 ] ; then
   # ${ECHO} "Removing obsolete files in ${VM_DIR}/"
   ObsoleteVMfiles="database/ltidrives database/ltilocations bin/tc8d bin/tc8test help/robots/TC8 bin/tc4d bin/tc4test help/robots/TC4 help/tpconfig/tpconfigloc bin/vmconf bin/update_services version"
   for file in $ObsoleteVMfiles
      rm -rf ${VM_DIR}/${file}

   for Obsoletelib in libACE.s? libACE_nmt.s? libSigFCL250ST.s? \
      libSigSchedule250ST.s? libSigScheduleJNI250.s? libSigSchedule251ST.s? \
      libTAO.s? libTAO_DynamicInterface.s? libTAO_IORTable.s? \
      libTAO_PortableServer.s? libxerces-c1_4_nmt.s? libxml4c.s? \
      libxml4c.s?.50 libxml4c.s?.50.0 libxml4c50.0.s? \
      libxml4c50.s? libicudata.s?.22.0 libicudata22.0.s? \
      libicudata.s?.22 libicudata.s? libicudata22.s? \
      libicuuc.s?.22.0 libicuuc.s?.22 libicuuc.s? libicuuc22.s? \
      rm -f /usr/openv/lib/${Obsoletelib}

   rm -f ${ManPath}/bpfastrax.1m
   rm -f ${NB_DIR}/MediaMgr_DeviceConfig_Guide.txt
   rm -f ${NB_BIN}/client_config

   # This removing of pl links part (the following 3 sections) only needs
   # to be here if we allow upgrading from 4.5 to 6.0.

   for Link in bppolicynew bpplclients bppldelete bpplexclude bpplinclude \
      bpplinfo bppllist bpplsched bpplschedrep bpplschedwin bpplvalid
      if symlink ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/${Link}
         rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/${Link}
   for Link in bppolicynew. bpplclients. bppldelete. bpplinclude. \
      bpplinfo. bppllist. bpplsched. bpplschedrep.
      if symlink ${ManPath}/${Link}*
         rm -f ${ManPath}/${Link}*
   if [ -h ${NB_BIN}/goodies/pltemplates ] ; then
      rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/pltemplates

   #  Now that PSP is versioned in NB 6.0, clean up a few
   #  more libs.

   for Obsoletelib in libvxACE.s? libvxACEST.s? libvxTAO.s? \
      libvxTAO_DynamicInterface.s? libvxTAO_IORTable.s? \
      libvxTAO_Messaging.s? libvxTAO_PortableServer.s? \
      rm -f /usr/openv/lib/${Obsoletelib}

#  We moved the man pages.  Clean up the old ones.

if [ "${OldManPath}" != "" ] ; then
   rm -rf ${OldManPath}

# Remove the old bpcl* commands and man pages.  bppl* is all there is.

for bin in bpclassnew bpclclients bpcldelete bpclexclude bpclinclude \
   bpclinfo bpcllist bpclsched bpclschedrep bpclschedwin bpclvalid
   rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/${bin}
for file in bpclassnew. bpclclients. bpcldelete. bpclinclude. \
   bpclinfo. bpcllist. bpclsched. bpclschedrep.
   rm -f ${ManPath}/${file}*
   rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/${file}*
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/cltemplates

# As of 5.1, bpplexclude is gone for good.
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpplexclude

# jbp no longer needs these special binaries

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpadmbackup ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpadmlist
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpadmrestore

# scan moved to volmgr/bin.  Clean up possible old file in goodies.

rm -f ${VM_BIN}/goodies/scan

# MySQL is no longer being packaged as of 6.0.  Also
# clean up other NB binaries that are obsolete as of
# NB 6.0.

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbdbsetport ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbdbstop
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbdbsetpw ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbdbupdatedb
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbdbdmon
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/nbdbsetport.1* /usr/openv/man/*1*/nbdbsetpw.1*
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/nbdbsetport.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/nbdbsetpw.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libmysqlclient* /usr/openv/lib/libVnbdb*
rm -f /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbd
rm -f /usr/openv/db/etc/nbdb.cnf
rm -f /usr/openv/db/init_files.tar.Z
rm -rf /usr/openv/db/etc/mysql /usr/openv/db/var
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/tpc_GDM.txt ${SHARE_DIR}/tpc_NBAR.txt
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/bpsched
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpschedreq ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpstuconvert
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/VRTS-HEADER-MIB.txt
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/VRTS-SNMP-MIB-Readme.txt
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/VRTS-SNMP-MIB.txt
rm -f /usr/openv/NB-Java.install
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/tpc_Client.txt ${SHARE_DIR}/tpc_Console.txt

# As of 6.0, xbp is gone.  Clean up possible old files.

rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1/xbp.1*
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/xbp.1
rm -rf /usr/openv/netbackup/help/xbp
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/XKeysymDB ${NB_BIN}/xbp
for xfile in XNB XNB.dt
   rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/${xfile}
   rm -f ${NB_BIN}/${xfile}
   rm -f /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/${xfile}
   rm -f /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/${xfile}

#  As of 5.1, nonroot_admin is no longer released.  Clean up old files.

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/nonroot_admin ${NB_BIN}/goodies*/nonroot_admin

#  As of 6.0, these files changed names.  Clean up the old ones.

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/add_slave ${NB_BIN}/add_slave_on_clients
rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/help/bpadm/Class

#  As of 6.0, some volmgr commands were removed.

rm -f ${VM_BIN}/vmdb_merge ${VM_BIN}/vmdb_dump ${VM_BIN}/vmdb_cat
rm -f ${VM_BIN}/vmdb_compact ${VM_BIN}/vmmedia ${VM_BIN}/goodies/vmconf
rm -f /usr/openv/man/man1*/vmdb_merge.1*
rm -f ${VM_BIN}/tsdd ${VM_BIN}/tsdtest
rm -rf ${VM_DIR}/help/robots/TSD
rm -f /usr/openv/man/man1*/tsdd.1*
rm -f ${VM_BIN}/ts8d ${VM_BIN}/ts8test
rm -rf ${VM_DIR}/help/robots/TS8
rm -f /usr/openv/man/man1*/ts8d.1*
rm -f ${VM_BIN}/lsdev
rm -f ${VM_DIR}/help/tpconfig/tpconfigvm
rm -f ${VM_DIR}/misc/SSOhosts


rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/bpsynth.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/bpsynth.1*

#  As of 6.0, some mm external files are no longer needed.  They are
#  created dynamically.  Remove them.

rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/device_mappings.txt ${SHARE_DIR}/external_densities.txt
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/external_drivetypes.txt ${SHARE_DIR}/external_mediatypes.txt
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/external_robotics.txt

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/bpsched.d/pempersist
rm -f ${NB_DIR}/db/jobs/pempersist

VM_DEVICE_TABLES="external_attributes.txt external_drive_mappings.txt external_robot_mappings.txt"
for vm_file in $VM_DEVICE_TABLES
   if [ -f ${SHARE_DIR}/${vm_file} ] ; then
      if [ ! -f ${SHARE_DIR}/${vm_file}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
         ${ECHO} "Saving .../share/${vm_file} as ${vm_file}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
         cp ${SHARE_DIR}/${vm_file} ${SHARE_DIR}/${vm_file}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

# These 3 files are obsolete in 5.0.  Remove them now that we've
# saved off the existing file.

rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/external_attributes.txt ${SHARE_DIR}/external_drive_mappings.txt
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/external_robot_mappings.txt

#  Files were renamed in 6.5.  Remove the old ones.

rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libSigComp210.s? /usr/openv/lib/libSigComp210ST.s?
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libSigFCL260.s? /usr/openv/lib/libSigFCL260ST.s?
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libSigSchedule260.s? /usr/openv/lib/libSigSchedule260ST.s?

#  Libraries were consolidated in 6.5.  Remove the old ones.

rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libVvcomb.s? /usr/openv/lib/libVvcombMT.s?

#  Remove unused commands/scripts in 6.5.

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/bpgp ${NB_BIN}/index_clients
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpdir
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmDrive_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmLibrary_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmGetNextDriveIndex_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmMachine_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmParseDeviceInquiry_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmValidateDeviceSerialization_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emm_media_proc_p.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emmMediaPool_proc_p.sql

#  nbgenjob was absorbed by nbjm in 6.5.
#  nbnos was absorbed by nbevtmgr.
#  bpcoord was absorbed by bpsynth.
#  bpauth* and vopie* commands are no longer being documented.

rm -f ${NB_BIN}/nbgenjob ${NB_BIN}/nbnos ${NB_BIN}/goodies/nbnosview
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/bpcoord
rm -f /usr/openv/resources/nbgenjob_root.res
rm -f /usr/openv/resources/nbnos_root.res
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/nbnos.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/nbnos.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/bpauthorize.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/bpauthorize.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/bpauthsync.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/bpauthsync.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/vopie_util.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/vopie_util.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/vopied.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/vopied.1*

#  As of 6.5, some documentation deliverables are no longer needed.

rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbu_mm_sa.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/volmgr/MediaMgr_DeviceConfig_Guide.txt

#  In NB 7.0, many library changes, clean up old ones.

rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libstspisandisk.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libstspisandiskMT.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libsthtarST.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libsthtar.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libstspiarraydisk.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libstspiarraydiskMT.${DSO_SUFFIX}

for slib in libvxTAOST libvxTAO_BiDirGIOPST libvxTAO_DynamicInterface \
   libvxTAO_IORTableST libvxTAO_MessagingST libvxTAO_PortableServerST \
   libvxTAO_SecurityST libvxUCS4_UTF16
   rm -f /usr/openv/lib/${slib}.${DSO_SUFFIX}
   rm -f /usr/openv/lib/${slib}.${DSO_SUFFIX}.[12]

#  In NB 7.0, bpSALinfo and its libraries are gone, clean them up.
#  Other commands too.

rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpSALinfo
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libvrtssal_api.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libicudt18?.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/bpSALinfo.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/bpSALinfo.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmoverinfo
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/bpmoverinfo.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/bpmoverinfo.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/add_media_server
rm -f /usr/openv/db/bin/vxdbms_server.tar.Z
rm -f /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/odld /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/odltest
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/odld.1*
rm -rf /usr/openv/volmgr/help/robots/ODL
rm -f /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpformat
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/tpformat.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpushdata
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/nbpushdata.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/nbpushdata.1*
rm -rf /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbpushdata
rm -rf /usr/openv/var/nbpushdata
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/set_ndmp_attr.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/set_ndmp_attr.1*
rm -f /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tshd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tshtest
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/tshd.1*
rm -rf /usr/openv/volmgr/help/robots/TSH
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/fimselector
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/fsanalyze
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/update_services
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpauthsync
rm -rf ${NB_BIN}/goodies/misc
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/ms_exchange.filelist
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/rb_asa_schema.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emm_asa_defaults.sql
rm -f ${DB_DIR}/scripts/emm_asa_schema.sql
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbu/help/en/nbadmin_wiz.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbu/help/en/nbu_adv_client.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbadmin_wiz.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbu_adv_client.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbu_sa_accessibility.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbu_sa_glossary.vxa
rm -f /usr/openv/java/vrts/nbvsm_l10n/en/help/nbu_sa_tscodes.vxa
rm -rf /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/restart
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/support/support
rm -f /usr/openv/resources/emm_root.res
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/bpuser ${NB_BIN}/bpbrmvlt
rm -f ${NB_DIR}/help/bpadm/Database
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/windows2000.filelist
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/ms_exchange_kms.filelist
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/ms_exchange_srs.filelist
rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libvaultservice.${DSO_SUFFIX}
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/admincmd/nbshareddisk
rm -f /usr/openv/man/*1*/nbshareddisk.1* ${NB_BIN}/goodies/man/nbshareddisk.1*
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/db_begin_bkup ${NB_BIN}/goodies/db_end_bkup
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/goodies/db_begin_streams ${NB_BIN}/goodies/db_end_streams

#  In NB 7.0, AIX went to 64 bit only.

if [ "${MACHINE}" = "RS6000" ] ; then
   rm -rf /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver_64

#  In NB 7.0, several Unix addons were absorbed into the
#  server package.

rm -f /usr/openv/lib/libndmp_bpfsmap.s?
rm -f ${VM_BIN}/set_ndmp_attr ${SHARE_DIR}/version_ndmp
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/update_dbclients
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/update_flashclients
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/vltcore ${SHARE_DIR}/version_vault
rm -f ${NB_BIN}/update_luagent ${NB_BIN}/nbgp
rm -f ${SHARE_DIR}/version_bmr ${NB_BIN}/install_bmr

#  Remove nbsvcmon.conf to force nbsvcmon to re-create the file
#  and therefore know about new daemons.

rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/nbsvcmon.conf

#  In NB 7.0, HP PARISC dropped to true media server only.

if [ "${MACHINE}" = "HP9000-800" ] ; then
   for page in bmrs.1m bpbackupdb.1m bpdbm.1m bprecover.1m \
      cat_convert.1m create_nbdb.1m nbdb_admin.1m \
      nbdb_backup.1m nbdb_move.1m nbdb_ping.1m \
      nbdb_restore.1m nbdb_unload.1m nbdbms_start_server.1m \
      nbdbms_start_stop.1m nbemm.1m nbrb.1m
      rm -f /usr/openv/man/man1m/${page}
      rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/man/${page}
   for admin in bpbackupdb bpplcatdrinfo bprecover nbrbutil
      rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/${admin}
   for bin in bmrd bmrpans bmrs bmrsetupmaster bpdbm cat_convert \
      nbdbms_start_stop nbemm nbrb rc.bmrd
      rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/${bin}
   for file in BMRDB.load.xml PnPDB_2003.xml PnpDB_2000.xml \
      PnpDB_2000SP1.xml PnpDB_2000SP2.xml PnpDB_2000SP3.xml \
      PnpDB_2000SP4.xml PnpDB_2003SP1.xml PnpDB_2003SP2.xml \
      PnpDB_WinPE_2003SP1.xml PnpDB_WinPE_2003SP1_X64.xml \
      PnpDB_XP.xml PnpDB_XPSP1.xml PnpDB_XPSP2.xml \
      dos.uncooked unattend.txt
      rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/baremetal/server/data/${file}
   rm -f /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/db_marker.txt
   if [ ! -d ${DB_DIR}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a -d ${DB_DIR} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Saving .../db as db.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
         ${ECHO} "
Error moving ${DB_DIR} to ${DB_DIR}.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
         exit 1

if [ -d /usr/openv/patch ] ; then
   if [ ! -d /usr/openv/patch.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a $SaveBinaries = 1 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Saving patch history as /usr/openv/patch.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
      mv /usr/openv/patch /usr/openv/patch.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}
if [ -f /usr/openv/.psummary -o -f /usr/openv/.phistory -o \
     -f /usr/openv/.pseq ] ; then
   if [ ! -d /usr/openv/pack ] ; then
      mkdir /usr/openv/pack
      chmod 755 /usr/openv/pack
      chgrp bin /usr/openv/pack
if [ -d /usr/openv/pack ] ; then
   if [ ! -d /usr/openv/pack.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL} -a ${SaveBinaries} -eq 1 ] ; then
      ${ECHO} "Saving pack history as /usr/openv/pack.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}"
      mv /usr/openv/pack /usr/openv/pack.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}
   for pfile in .psummary .phistory .pseq
      if [ -f /usr/openv/${pfile} ] ; then
         if [ "${pfile}" = ".phistory" ] ; then
         elif [ "${pfile}" = ".psummary" ] ; then
         rm -f /usr/openv/pack.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}/${rmfile}
         mv /usr/openv/${pfile} /usr/openv/pack.${OLD_RELEASE_LEVEL}

#  Clean up possible old links.  Need to do this before the server lays
#  down client binaries.

for link in HP-UX-IA64/HP-UX11.31 Solaris/Solaris9 Solaris/Solaris10
   if [ -h ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${link} ] ; then
      rm -f ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${link}

#  Clean up old HW/OS client binaries now that we are delivering
#  compressed tar balls.  But only do if we haven't done it already.
#  This has to be AFTER the old links are cleaned up.

for dir in ${clean_up_client}
   ls ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${HW_Class}/${dir}/client_bin.tar.gz >/dev/null 2>&1
   if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
      if [ -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${HW_Class}/${dir} ] ; then
         rm -rf ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${HW_Class}/${dir}/*

cd /

${ECHO} "
Reading NetBackup files from ${ServerDir}

# On an rs6000 machine, free unused shared objects from kernel and library
# memory, so tar doesn't bomb replacing the libraries in /usr/openv/lib.

if [ "${MACHINE}" = "RS6000" ] ; then

#  If a clustered machine has gone down ungracefully,
#  links to nowhere could remain which will cause
#  failures.  Clean up possible bad links.


Transfer_Product ${ServerDir}/${NB_TAR_FILE}

${ECHO} "Reading Media Manager files from ${ServerDir}
Transfer_Product ${ServerDir}/${VM_TAR_FILE}

#  A couple may not exist during initial installs so make
#  sure these directories exist with the proper permissions.

for dir in ${NB_DIR}/db ${VM_DIR}/database ${VM_DIR}/misc/robotic_db \
   /usr/openv/db /usr/openv/tmp \
   ${NB_DIR}/db/vault ${NB_DIR}/vault ${NB_DIR}/vault/sessions \
   if [ ! -d ${dir} -a ! -h ${dir} ] ; then
      mkdir ${dir}
   chmod 755 ${dir}
   chgrp bin ${dir}

create_empty NDMP NDMP
create_empty Novell NetWare
create_empty OpenVMS OpenVMS_Alpha
create_empty OpenVMS OpenVMS_I64
create_empty OpenVMS OpenVMS_VAX
create_empty Windows-x86 Windows2003
create_empty Windows-x86 Windows2008
create_empty Windows-x86 Windows7
create_empty Windows-x86 WindowsVista
create_empty Windows-x86 WindowsXP
create_empty Windows-IA64 Windows2003
create_empty Windows-IA64 Windows2008
create_empty Windows-IA64 WindowsXP
create_empty Windows-x64 Windows2003
create_empty Windows-x64 Windows2008
create_empty Windows-x64 Windows7
create_empty Windows-x64 WindowsVista
create_empty Windows-x64 WindowsXP

#  In NB 7.0, we changed the names of PC HARDWARE types to Windows.
#  If the old client types are listed, it is fine to leave them but
#  the client types supported in 7.0 should not exist by the old name.

for P in PC PC-IA64 PC-x64
   for CT in Windows2003 Windows2008 Windows7 WindowsVista WindowsXP
      if [ -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${P}/${CT} ] ; then
         rmdir ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${P}/${CT} > /dev/null 2>&1
         if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
            W=`${ECHO} ${P} | sed s/PC/Windows/`
            ${ECHO} "${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${P}/${CT} is now supported as
${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${P}/${CT} should be emptied and removed."
   # If the PC(X) directory is empty now, remove it too.
   rmdir ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/${P} > /dev/null 2>&1

# Create empty directories for the Unix clients as well so
# that policies will show them as valid client types even if
# that client software is not loaded on the server.

create_empty HP-UX-IA64 HP-UX11.31
create_empty HP9000-800 HP-UX11.11
create_empty INTEL FreeBSD6.0
create_empty Linux IBMpSeriesRedHat2.6
create_empty Linux IBMpSeriesSuSE2.6
create_empty Linux IBMzSeriesRedHat2.6
create_empty Linux IBMzSeriesSuSE2.6
create_empty Linux RedHat2.6
create_empty Linux SuSE2.6.16
create_empty Linux-IA64 RedHat2.6
create_empty Linux-IA64 SuSE2.6
create_empty MACINTOSH MacOSX10.5
create_empty RS6000 AIX53
create_empty Solaris Solaris9
create_empty Solaris Solaris10
create_empty Solaris Solaris_x86_10_64

# Set up links.  This code is partially duplicated in
# and nb_postinstall.

if [ -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/NDMP/NetApp ] ; then
   rm -rf ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/NDMP/NetApp
if [ -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/HP9000-800 ] ; then
   if [ -d ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/HP9000-700 ] ; then
      rm -rf ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/HP9000-700
   ( cd ${NB_CLIENT_DIR} ; rm -f HP9000-700 ; ln -s HP9000-800 HP9000-700 )
   ( cd ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/HP9000-800 ; rm -f HP-UX11.23 ; ln -s HP-UX11.11 HP-UX11.23 )
   ( cd ${NB_CLIENT_DIR}/HP9000-800 ; rm -f HP-UX11.31 ; ln -s HP-UX11.11 HP-UX11.31 )

I'm a I3omI3 !

Hors ligne Thor941

  • Hero Member
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #4 le: 12/08/10 15:56 »
ya des smileys dans ton truc ca peut pas marcher :o
yo soy culA / Requin brown recluse

Hors ligne MickeyNox

  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 8692
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #5 le: 12/08/10 15:57 »
j me disais aussi que symantèque se foutait de ma gueule :o
I'm a I3omI3 !

Hors ligne megastef

  • bof
  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 6493
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #6 le: 12/08/10 16:01 »
bon. sinon, des idées ?
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne MickeyNox

  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 8692
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #7 le: 12/08/10 16:02 »
oaui fait un forum xooit simplement :)
I'm a I3omI3 !

Hors ligne megastef

  • bof
  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 6493
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #8 le: 12/08/10 16:11 »
j'ai regardé brievement, des trucs genre Joomla!, ca peut le faire ?
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne broukmout

  • glandeur
  • Hero Member
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #9 le: 12/08/10 16:28 »
MobileMe ça le fait, juste que c'est payant :d
Mais si tu manges pas tu meurs? /hobes / motoooooo / He's fixing the cable?

Hors ligne dartyduck

  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 24285
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #10 le: 12/08/10 16:38 »
drapal / Poney lurkeur

Hors ligne megastef

  • bof
  • Hero Member
  • Messages: 6493
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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #11 le: 12/08/10 16:43 »
MobileMe ça le fait, juste que c'est payant :d

mobile me te constitue des galeries dynamiques ??? de mémoire, ca t'affiche des galeries que tu crées dans iphoto, plutôt, non ?
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne broukmout

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #12 le: 12/08/10 17:20 »
ah ouais tu les veux dynamique, ils ont pas encore implémenté la fonction "visage" sur la partie web de mobileMe...
Mais si tu manges pas tu meurs? /hobes / motoooooo / He's fixing the cable?

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #13 le: 13/08/10 07:52 »
Fut un temps j'ai utilisé ca
l'interface n'est pas ultra gling gling hype web 2.0 mais ca marche bien c'est moddable avec plein d'add-ons :jap:
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Hors ligne megastef

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #14 le: 13/08/10 09:32 »
bah merci, je vais regarder de près :)
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #15 le: 13/08/10 09:54 »
encore et toujours picasa web album, en 2s t'as ta gallerie, privée ou non :D
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Hors ligne dartyduck

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #16 le: 13/08/10 10:00 »
ça pourri pas la qualité picasa ? :heink: / Poney lurkeur

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #17 le: 13/08/10 10:00 »
namé juste poster une gallerie, je sais faire. C'est la faire vivre par la communauté des users que je sais pas faire, et aussi mettre des fonctions de recherche par mots clés pour éviter (sans l'interdire) les mélanges entre les différentes composantes de mes différentes familles (mère / père / belle-famille / famille de ex-belle-mère / famille de belle-mère...)
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne megastef

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #18 le: 13/08/10 10:01 »
ça pourri pas la qualité picasa ? :heink:

Si, aussi, mais bon, clairement je suis dans la photo souvenir. C'est pas bloquant. L'idée c'est de naviguer parmi des photos et si on en veut une, on la DL en plein format non compressé (ou peu, jpg 10% par exemple)
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne Bitman

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #19 le: 13/08/10 10:06 »
ça pourri pas la qualité picasa ? :heink:

tu peux l'uploader en full, mais bon l espace est pas infini :D
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

Hors ligne megastef

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #20 le: 13/08/10 10:13 »
bah faudrait que je réfléchisse bien, sinon, en interaction avec Flickr. J'ai un compte pro, donc nombre et taille des photos illimité, qualité non modifiée (ca coute une vingtaine d'euros par an). Je vais voir s'il y a des modules.
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne MickeyNox

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #21 le: 13/08/10 10:14 »
moi je le fais en streaming avec media center :o
I'm a I3omI3 !

Hors ligne dartyduck

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #22 le: 13/08/10 10:21 »

tu peux l'uploader en full, mais bon l espace est pas infini :D

justement, en parlant d'espace limité, j'aimerais un truc/soft qui te permet de faire tres simplement une gallerie (en local) et d'ensuite l'héberger sur un domaine perso. Et ensuite, une fois le truc sur le domaine, y'a pu qu'à uploader les photos et il organise tout seul derrière. Ca existe un soft de ce genre ? / Poney lurkeur

Hors ligne Neoryuki

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #23 le: 13/08/10 10:22 »

justement, en parlant d'espace limité, j'aimerais un truc/soft qui te permet de faire tres simplement une gallerie (en local) et d'ensuite l'héberger sur un domaine perso. Et ensuite, une fois le truc sur le domaine, y'a pu qu'à uploader les photos et il organise tout seul derrière. Ca existe un soft de ce genre ?

regarde mon FTP, j'avais mis un truc à l'arrache pour gerer quelques photos :D

Hors ligne dartyduck

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #24 le: 13/08/10 10:27 »

regarde mon FTP, j'avais mis un truc à l'arrache pour gerer quelques photos :D

j'veux bien, mais sans l'url... :spamafote: / Poney lurkeur

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #25 le: 13/08/10 10:32 »
han spa mal ton truc... mais j'aurais préféré une interface un peu plus web, graphiquement paramétrable, genre un truc que je pourrais intégrer dans un
. Comme ça je créé ma page web tout autour, à ma sauce en css, et j'ai juste à intégrer le truc dans une boite. M'enfin je sens qu'on va me répondre "php est ton ami, potasse les bouquins que tu as déjà achetés et démerde toi" :/ / Poney lurkeur

Hors ligne Neoryuki

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #26 le: 13/08/10 11:06 »
han spa mal ton truc... mais j'aurais préféré une interface un peu plus web, graphiquement paramétrable, genre un truc que je pourrais intégrer dans un
. Comme ça je créé ma page web tout autour, à ma sauce en css, et j'ai juste à intégrer le truc dans une boite. M'enfin je sens qu'on va me répondre "php est ton ami, potasse les bouquins que tu as déjà achetés et démerde toi" :/

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #27 le: 13/08/10 11:10 »
vu que l'espace web sur picasa est limité, et qu'un nom de domaine peut t'en donner plus, suffit de prendre un domaine à 25Go (je retrouve plus ou j'avais vu ça :/) et d'y héberger une galerie :o / Poney lurkeur

Hors ligne megastef

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #28 le: 13/08/10 11:30 »
Neo, je veux bien le MP avec l'url :)
Hobes, il faudrait que tu rendes A Bobcat le string que tu lui as piquA hier soir pour faire le clown en te le mettant sur la tAte (quelle drAle d'idAe, par ailleurs). Merci. / les porte-jarretelles / Tout le monde ment

Hors ligne Neoryuki

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[projet] créer une photothèque familiale ?
« Réponse #29 le: 13/08/10 12:01 »
Neo, je veux bien le MP avec l'url :)

je doute que ce soit ce que tu cherches, stun truc tout fait à la con, securité zero puisque qq1 d'ici ou de Altab m'avait modifié le truc, ca genere juste une galerie en fonction des photos poussées via un soft FTP, à moins que ce soit possible via des focntions que je n'ai pas configurées, mais c'est loin d'etre interactif :D

Mais je te MP ca ;)