re, bon je pense que c'est pour du monitoring , donc voila la méthode mais en pearl :
A mettre en place*-Virtual-Environments/VMWare/check_vmware3-2Epl/details
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# nagios: -epn
# should work with any VMWare Infrastructure
# All operations work with VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.1 or later.
# All operations work with VMware ESX Server 3.0.1 or later.
# This software is Copyright (c) 2008 NETWAYS GmbH, Birger Schmidt
# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
# from
# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
# community by submitting them to NETWAYS GmbH.)
# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
# this Software, to NETWAYS GmbH, you confirm that
# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
# NETWAYS GmbH a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
# Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered trademarks of Ethan Galstad.
use strict;
use warnings;
# version string
my $version = '0.1';
# init variables
my @msg = ();
my @perfdata = ();
my $exitVal = undef;
my @fineVMs = ();
my @badVMs = ();
my @missingVMs = ();
# define states
our @state = ('OK', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL', 'UNKNOWN');
my %opts = (
'host' => {
type => "=s",
help => "Name of the host",
required => 0,
'timeout' => {
type => "=i",
help => "Timeout in seconds",
required => 0,
'ignore' => {
type => "=s",
help => "List of VM-Names (separated by comma, regexp possible) to ignore if state not green",
required => 0,
'ensure' => {
type => "=s",
help => "List of VM-Names (separated by comma, regexp possible) for which state must be green",
required => 0,
'vmname' => {
type => "=s",
help => "one single VM to check - the other checks will be suppressed",
required => 0,
'verboseVMs' => {
type => "=i",
help => "list VM names as plugin output",
required => 0,
sub printResultAndExit {
# stop timeout
# print check result and exit
my $exitVal = shift;
#print "check_vmware3 ";
print "$state[$exitVal]:";
print " @_" if (defined @_);
print "\n";
eval {
require VMware::VIRuntime
} or printResultAndExit(3, 'Missing perl module VMware::VIRuntime. Download and install "VMware Infrastructure (VI) Perl Toolkit" from');
# get command-line parameters
if (defined Opts::get_option('help')) {
print "help";
# some code from check_esx3 by op5
sub get_key_metrices {
my ($perfmgr_view, $group, @names) = @_;
my $perfCounterInfo = $perfmgr_view->perfCounter;
my @counters;
my @units;
foreach (@$perfCounterInfo) {
if ($_->groupInfo->key eq $group) {
my $cur_name = $_->nameInfo->key . "." . $_->rollupType->val;
foreach my $index (0..@names-1)
if ($names[$index] =~ /$cur_name/)
$names[$index] =~ /(\w+).(\w+):*(.*)/;
$counters[$index] = PerfMetricId->new(counterId => $_->key, instance => $3);
$units[$index] = $_->unitInfo->label;
return (\@counters, \@units);
sub get_performance_values {
my ($view, $group, @list) = @_;
my @values;
my $units;
my @perf_data;
eval {
my $perfMgr = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => Vim::get_service_content()->perfManager);
(my $metrices, $units) = get_key_metrices($perfMgr, $group, @list);
my $perf_query_spec = PerfQuerySpec->new(entity => $view, metricId => $metrices, format => 'csv', intervalId => 20, maxSample => 1);
my $perf_data = $perfMgr->QueryPerf(querySpec => $perf_query_spec);
my $unsorted = shift(@$perf_data)->value;
foreach my $id (@$unsorted) {
foreach my $index (0..@$metrices-1) {
if ($id->id->counterId == $$metrices[$index]->counterId) {
$values[$index] = $id;
foreach my $index (0..@list-1) {
(my $name = $list[$index]) =~ tr/.:*/_/d; # replace . with _ and delete : *
($name = $view->name . '_' . $group . '_' . $name) =~ s/_average//; # prepend group and remove tailing average
if (defined $values[$index]) {
push (@perf_data, "${name}=" . $values[$index]->value . @$units[$index] . ';0;0;0;0');
#push (@perf_data, "${name}=" . $values[$index]->value);
} else {
#push (@perf_data, "${name}=noData");
push (@perf_data, "${name}=0;0;0;0;0");
return @perf_data;
sub displayVM($) {
my $vm_view = shift @_;
my $vmname = $vm_view->name;
my $host = '';
my $option_host = '';
if (defined Opts::get_option('host')) {
$option_host = Opts::get_option('host');
my $mor_host = $vm_view->runtime->host; # this is the host that actualy runs the VM
$host = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $mor_host)->name;
#print Dumper ($vm_view, $mor_host, $host) . "\n\n";
if ($option_host eq $host) {
if (defined $vm_view->guestHeartbeatStatus) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestHeartbeatStatus=" . $vm_view->guestHeartbeatStatus->val);
if ($vm_view->guestHeartbeatStatus->val eq 'green') { # everything fine
push (@fineVMs, $vmname);
} else { # (gray, red, yellow?)
push (@badVMs, $vmname);
if ( @main::ignorelist ) {
if ( !($vmname =~ join ('|', @main::ignorelist)) ) { # not on ignorelist
# unshift (@msg, "bad guestHeartbeatStatus (" . $vm_view->guestHeartbeatStatus->val . ") for '$vmname'");
$exitVal = 2; # critical
} else { # no ignorelist
$exitVal = 2; # critical
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestHeartbeatStatus=noData");
unshift (@msg, "unable to get guestHeartbeatStatus of " . $vmname);
$exitVal = 2; # critical
push (@badVMs, $vmname);
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestState=" . $vm_view->guest->guestState);
if (defined Opts::get_option('vmname')) {
if (defined $vm_view->guest->hostName) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_hostName=" . $vm_view->guest->hostName);
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_hostName=noData");
if (defined $vm_view->guest->ipAddress) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_ipAddress=" . $vm_view->guest->ipAddress);
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_ipAddress=noData");
if (defined $vm_view->guest->toolsStatus) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_toolsStatus=" . $vm_view->guest->toolsStatus->val);
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_toolsStatus=noData");
if (defined $vm_view->guest->toolsVersion) {
my @requiredVersion = grep { ref($_) && $_->key eq '' } @{$vm_view->config->extraConfig}; # filter reqver from extraConfig
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_toolsVersion=" . $vm_view->guest->toolsVersion . ';0;0;0;' .
((defined $requiredVersion[0]->value) ? $requiredVersion[0]->value : '0'));
} else {
#push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_toolsVersion=noData");
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_toolsVersion=0;0;0;0;0");
if (defined $vm_view->summary->quickStats->guestMemoryUsage) {
push (@perfdata, $vmname . "_guestMemoryUsage=" . $vm_view->summary->quickStats->guestMemoryUsage . 'MB;0;0;0;' .
((defined $vm_view->summary->config->memorySizeMB) ? $vm_view->summary->config->memorySizeMB : '0'));
# $vm_view->config->hardware->memoryMB);
# $vm_view->summary->runtime->maxMemoryUsage); # get it from config not runtime
} else {
#push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestMemoryUsage=noData");
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestMemoryUsage=0MB;0;0;0;0");
if (defined $vm_view->summary->quickStats->overallCpuUsage) {
push (@perfdata, $vmname . '_overallCpuUsage=' . $vm_view->summary->quickStats->overallCpuUsage . 'MHz;0;0;0;' .
((defined $vm_view->summary->runtime->maxCpuUsage) ? $vm_view->summary->runtime->maxCpuUsage : '0'));
} else {
#push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_overallCpuUsage=noData");
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_overallCpuUsage=0MHz;0;0;0;0");
if (defined $vm_view->guest->disk) {
my $disk_len = @{$vm_view->guest->disk};
my $cnt = 0;
#while ($cnt < $disk_len) {
while ($cnt < 6) { # max 6 virtual disks - even if not defined because we need the perfdata to graph something
if (defined $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt] and defined $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->freeSpace
and defined $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->capacity) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk". $cnt ."freespace=" . $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->freeSpace .
'B;0;0;0;' . $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->capacity);
} else {
#push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk".$cnt."freespace=noData");
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk". $cnt .'freespace=0B;0;0;0;0');
if (defined $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt] and defined $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->diskPath) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk". $cnt ."Path=" . $vm_view->guest->disk->[$cnt]->diskPath);
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk". $cnt ."Path=noData");
} else {
my $cnt = 0;
while ($cnt < 6) { # max 6 virtual disks - even if not defined because we need the perfdata to graph something
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk". $cnt .'freespace=0B;0;0;0;0');
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_Disk=noData");
if (defined $vm_view->guest->net) {
my $net_len = @{$vm_view->guest->net};
my $cnt = 0;
while ($cnt < $net_len) {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."connected=" . $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->connected);
#push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."deviceConfigId=" . $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->deviceConfigId);
#if (defined $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->macAddress) {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."macAddress=" . $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->macAddress);
#else {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."macAddress=noData");
#if (defined $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->network) {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."network=" . $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->network);
#else {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."network=noData");
#if (defined $vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->ipAddress) {
# my $ip_len = @{$vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->ipAddress};
# my $cnt_ip = 0;
# while ($cnt_ip < $ip_len) {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."ipAddress=" .$vm_view->guest->net->[$cnt]->ipAddress->[$cnt_ip]);
# $cnt_ip++;
# }
#} else {
# push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_net".$cnt."ipAddress=noData");
} else {
push (@perfdata, "${vmname}_guestNet=noData");
#push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($vm_view, 'cpu', ('usage.average'))));#, 'usagemhz.average', 'wait.summation:*'))));
#push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($vm_view, 'mem', ('consumed.average', 'active.average'))));#, 'usage.average', 'overhead.average', 'swapped.average', 'swapin.average', 'swapout.average'))));
push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($vm_view, 'disk', ('read.average:*', 'write.average:*'))));#, 'usage.average:*'))));
push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($vm_view, 'net', ('received.average:*', 'transmitted.average:*'))));
sub retrieve_performance() {
if (defined Opts::get_option('host')) {
my $host = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => "HostSystem", filter => {'name' => Opts::get_option('host')});
if (!defined($host)) {
push (@msg, "Host ".Opts::get_option('host')." not found");
$exitVal = 2;
push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($host, 'cpu', ('usage.average', 'usagemhz.average'))));
push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($host, 'mem', ('usage.average', 'consumed.average'))));#, 'overhead.average', 'swapused.average'))));
#push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($host, 'disk', ('commandsAborted.summation:*', 'busResets.summation:*', 'totalReadLatency.average:*', 'totalWriteLatency.average:*', 'kernelLatency.average:*', 'deviceLatency.average:*', 'queueLatency.average:*'))));
#push (@perfdata, (get_performance_values($host, 'net', ('received.average:*', 'transmitted.average:*'))));
my $vm_views;
if (defined Opts::get_option('vmname')) {
if ($vm_views = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine', filter => {'name' => Opts::get_option('vmname')})) {
if (scalar(@fineVMs)) {
push (@msg, Opts::get_option('vmname') . ' is running fine.');
} else {
push (@msg, Opts::get_option('vmname') . ' does not (proper) run.');
} else {
$exitVal = 2;
push (@msg, 'Could not find a VM named: ' . Opts::get_option('vmname'));
} else {
$vm_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine');
#print Dumper ($vm_views) . "\n\n";
if(defined @$vm_views) {
foreach my $vm (@$vm_views) { # Print VMs
push (@msg, "fine VMs (" . scalar(@fineVMs) . ")");
if (defined Opts::get_option('verboseVMs') and scalar(@fineVMs)) {
$msg[-1] .= ': ' . join (', ', @fineVMs);
push (@msg, "bad VMs (" . scalar(@badVMs) . ")");
#push (@msg, "not (proper) running VMs (" . scalar(@badVMs) . ")");
if (defined Opts::get_option('verboseVMs') and scalar(@badVMs)) {
$msg[-1] .= ': ' . join (', ', @badVMs);
# main
#$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; #Sort the keys in the output
#$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1; #Enable deep copies of structures
#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2; #Output in a reasonable style (but no array indexes)
# set timeout
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
$exitVal = 3;
printResultAndExit($exitVal, join(' - ', 'Plugin Timeout', @msg) . "|" . join(' ', @perfdata));
(defined Opts::get_option('timeout')) ? alarm(Opts::get_option('timeout')) : alarm(60);
@main::ignorelist = ();
if (defined Opts::get_option('ignore')) {
@main::ignorelist = split(/,/, Opts::get_option('ignore'));
$exitVal = 0; # as far as we know, everything is fine til now.
# try
# catch
if ($@ =~ /VirtualMachineVMCIDevice/) {
push (@msg, 'you have to apply a patch to to avoid a bug in the VMWare perl API. Find it over here:');
$exitVal = 3;
printResultAndExit($exitVal, join(' - ', @msg, 'ERRORMSG: ' . $@) . "|" . join(' ', @perfdata));
# check if the expected VMs are reported or missing
if (defined Opts::get_option('ensure')) {
my @ensurelist = split(/,/, Opts::get_option('ensure'));
#print "ensureVMs: @ensurelist\n" if ($main::verbose >= 100);
foreach my $ensureVM (@ensurelist) {
if (!grep (/$ensureVM/, (@fineVMs, @badVMs))) {
push (@missingVMs, $ensureVM);
$exitVal = 2;
push (@msg, "missing VMs (" . scalar(@missingVMs) . ")");
if (defined Opts::get_option('verboseVMs') and scalar(@missingVMs)) {
$msg[-1] .= ': ' . join (', ', @missingVMs);
printResultAndExit($exitVal, join(' - ', @msg) . "|" . join(' ', @perfdata));
# end main
Tu pourras avec cet outils disposer de toutes les informations que tu as besoins disponibles dans ton Vcenter
Par la ligne suivante, tu auras les info sur les luns que tu souhaites : --config=$USER1$/checkvmaware.cfg --mode=nagios --datacenter=(tonvcenter) --report=disk
A +