De toute facon pour les navigateurs c'est Uzbl ou rien.
faut juste prévoir un temps plein pour le faire marcher, voici le genre de code qu'il faut se taper pour que ce soit "utilisable".
[cpp]# example uzbl config.
# all settings are optional. you can use uzbl without any config at all (but it won't do much)
# keyboard behavior is vimstyle by default, but you can change this
# set always_insert_mode to always be in insert mode and disable going out of it.
# if you do this, make sure you've set a modkey so you can reach the commands
# from insert mode by combining them with the modkey
# Usually you want to spawn a script to handle things, but any command (such as sh) can be used
set history_handler = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
set download_handler = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
set cookie_handler = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
# You can bind whatever things (spawn
, script ,..) to some events TODO: make events system more generic
set load_start_handler = set status_message = wait
set load_commit_handler = set status_message = recv
set load_finish_handler = set status_message = done
set minimum_font_size = 6
set font_size = 11
## monospace_size defaults to font_size, but you can alter it independently
#set monospace_size = 10
## Display or supress images within html sites
#set autoload_images = 0
## Shrink images to window size
#set autoshrink_images = 0
## Spellchecker
set enable_spellcheck = 1
## Private browsing
#set enable_private = 0
## The URI of a stylesheet that is applied to every page
#set stylesheet_uri =
## enable/disable JavaScript
#set disable_scripts = 1
## Whether text areas are resizable
#set resizeable_text_areas = 1
## The default encoding used to display text
#set default_encoding = iso-8859-1
## Whether background images should be printed
#set print_background = 0
## Enforce a resolution of 96 DPI. This is meant for compatibility with
## web pages which cope badly with different screen resolutions
#set enforce_96_dpi = 1
# use with bind ... = sh
set shell_cmd = sh -c
# Behaviour and appearance
set show_status = 1
# you can optionally use this setting to override the background color of the statusbar from your GTK theme.
set status_background = #303030
set status_top = 0
# define how your titlebar should look like. (short = statusbar is also shown, long = show everything you must see if statusbar is off)
set title_format_short = TITLE - Uzbl browser
set title_format_long = KEYCMD MODE TITLE - Uzbl browser > SELECTED_URI
# set the characters to use for, and the width of the progress bar
set status_pbar_done = *
set status_pbar_pending = -
set status_pbar_width = 12
set insert_indicator = I
set command_indicator = C
set modkey = Mod1
# reset to command mode when new page is loaded
set reset_command_mode = 1
# this var has precedence over reset_command_mode
set always_insert_mode = 0
# to start a local socks server, do : ssh -fND localhost:8118 localhost
#set proxy_url =
#values 0-3
#set http_debug = 0
#set useragent = uzbl (Webkit WEBKIT_MAJOR.WEBKIT_MINOR.WEBKIT_MICRO)
# Example user agent containing everything:
#set max_conns = 0
#set max_conns_host = 0
set fifo_dir = /tmp
set socket_dir = /tmp
# Key bindings
bind j = scroll_vert 20
bind k = scroll_vert -20
bind h = scroll_horz -20
bind l = scroll_horz 20
bind << = scroll_begin
bind >> = scroll_end
bind b = back
bind m = forward
bind S = stop
bind r = reload
bind R = reload_ign_cache
bind + = zoom_in
bind - = zoom_out
bind T = toggle_zoom_type
bind 1 = sh "echo set zoom_level = 1.0 > $4"
bind 2 = sh "echo set zoom_level = 2.0 > $4"
bind t = toggle_status
# Hilight matches. Notice the * after the slash - it makes the command incremental, i.e. gets called
# on every character you type. You can do `bind /_ = search %s' if you want it less interactive.
bind /* = search %s
bind ?* = search_reverse %s
#jump to next
bind n = search
bind N = search_reverse
bind gh = uri
bind gj = uri
# like this you can enter any command at runtime, interactively. prefixed by ':'
bind :_ = chain '%s'
# shortcut to set the uri. TODO: i think we can abandon the uri command in favor of 'set uri = ..'
bind o _ = uri %s
# shortcut to set variables
bind s _ = set %s
bind \wiki _ = uri
bind gg _ = uri
bind i = toggle_insert_mode
# disable insert mode (1 to enable). note that Esc works to disable, regardless of this setting
bind I = toggle_insert_mode 0
# Enclose the executable in quotes if it has spaces. Any additional parameters you use will
# appear AFTER the default parameters
bind B = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
bind U = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
bind u = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
# with the sample yank script, you can yank one of the arguments into clipboard/selection
bind yurl = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ 6 primary
bind ytitle = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ 7 clipboard
# does the same as yurl but without needing a script
bind y2url = sh 'echo -n $6 | xclip'
# go the page from primary selection
bind p = sh 'echo "uri `xclip -selection primary -o`" > $4'
# go to the page in clipboard
bind P = sh 'echo "uri `xclip -selection clipboard -o`" > $4'
# start a new uzbl instance from the page in primary selection
bind 'p = sh 'exec uzbl --uri $(xclip -o)'
bind ZZ = exit
bind Xs = js alert("hi");
# example showing how to use sh
# it sends a command to the fifo, whose path is told via a positional param
# if fifo_dir is not set, it'll echo to a file named (null) somewhere >
remember to delete it
# The body of the shell command should be one parameter, so if it has spaces like here,
# you must enclose it in quotes. Remember to escape (and double-escape) quotes and backslashes
# in the body. Any additional parameters you use will appear AFTER the default parameters (cfg file
# path, fifo & socket dirs, etc.)
bind XS = sh 'echo "js alert (\\"This is sent by the shell via a fifo\\")" > "$4"'
bind !dump = sh "echo dump_config > $4"
bind !reload = sh 'cat $1 > $4'
# this script allows you to configure (per domain) values to fill in form fields (eg login information) and to fill in these values automatically
bind za = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/
bind ze = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ edit
bind zn = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ new
bind zl = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ load
# other - more advanced - implementation using perl: (could not get this to run - Dieter )
bind LL = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ load
bind LN = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ new
bind LE = spawn $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/ edit
# we ship some javascripts to do keyboard based link hinting/following. (webkit does not have C DOM bindings yet)
# this is similar to how it works in vimperator (and konqueror)
# TODO: did we resolve: "no click() event for hyperlinks so no referrer set" ?
#hit F to toggle the Hints (now in form of link numbering)
bind F = script $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/hint.js
# the most stable version:
bind fl* = script $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/follow_Numbers.js %s
# using strings, not polished yet:
bind fL* = script $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/scripts/follow_Numbers_Strings.js %s
# you can use this to disable all plugins
set disable_plugins = 0
set icon = /home/launay/.uzbl/data/uzbl/uzbl.png
# "home" page if you will
set uri =[/cpp]
ça fait trop rêver, dans le meme genre je vais arrêter de mettre de l'essence dans ma voiture et la pousser moi meme 
mais c'était un troll yvettien, les vieux démons toussa