Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - 3.74$ (300msp) (was 15$)
Child of Light - 10.04$ (~800msp) (was 15$)
Cloudberry Kingdom - 3.29$ (~263msp) (was 10$)
Flashback - 3.29$ (~263msp) (was 10$)
Freefall Racers - 2.50$ (200msp) (was 10$)
From Dust - 3.74$ (300msp) (was 15$)
I Am Alive - 3.74$ (300msp) (was 15$)
Narco Terror - 2.50$ (200msp) (was 10$)
Boulder Dash-XL - 4$ (320msp) (was 5$)
AssCreed 4
--Freedom City - 7$ (560msp) (was 10$)
--Illustrious Pirates Pack - 4.89$ (~391msp) (was 7$)
--Multiplayer Characters Pack #1 Blackbeard’s Wrath - 2.09$ (~167msp) (was 3$)
--Multiplayer Characters Pack #2 Guild of Rogues - 2.09$ (~167msp) (was 3$)
--Season pass - 14$ (1120msp) (was 20$)
Pro Evo 2014 - 19.79$ (~1583msp) (was 60$)
--World challenge - 2.50$ (200msp) (was 5$)
Game with gold bits, (Expires in a fortnight. BattleBlock Theater will be the second game of the month.)
Gotham City Imposters - free (was 15$)
You will still receive an actual copy of the games given away on 360.
Other threads are available if you want to discuss the Xbox One's offerings.
Gotham City Imposters, j'avais testé la démo et franchement en FPS multi défoulatoire ça peut être sympa