General Motors > Auto / moto

la vieille arnaque sur

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et hop !
encore une arnaque via western union :o

fiente j'ai failli y croire :

mail 1 :

--- Code: ---Hello,
Thanks for your interest in this car. This is my brother's car, but unfortunately he has suffered a bike accident recently and he will never be able to drive a car again...
For the moment, I am here in  Firenze - Italy with my brother. We'll soon get back to USA, but it's just too expensive to take the car with us, so we've decided to sell it for only 6000 EURO.
I would be very hapy if you could come here, to Firenze, to see the car, to test it and if you like it, to buy it.

 Here is my address:
Via Simone Martini 4
50142 Firenze
The car is in perfect condition. It has 10000 KM(bassicaly new).
Here are the main characteristics of this car:
  - Number of Previous Owners: Only 1 ( my brother)
 - Engine Size (cc):  1,390 cc  
 - Inspection Certificate Expiration Date:  Jan 2007  
 - Fuel:  Benzin  
 - Power (KW):  55 KW    
 - Transmission: Manual
 - Warranty Information (Months Remaining):  18 Months  
 The car has never been crashed or scrached.In case if you are really interesed i send you more pics.
  Kind regards
 Chiara Cantini

--- Fin du code ---

donc pas d'avance juste dire de venir en italie l'acheter, bon le coup du frere c'est moyen mais bon croyons y vu qu'on paye appaemment apres l'avoir testée ...
surtout que dans les pages blanches italienne il y a bien une personne au meme nom que ce mail a ladite adresse

mail2 :

--- Code: ---Good Morning,

The car is in perfect condition. The only reason for which I'm selling this car is the fact that my brother has had a bike accident recently and he will never be able to drive this car again.
I'm living with my brother in Italy, but I'm working in USA and it's just too expensive to take this car with me over there, in USA. That's the only reason for which I'm asking this price.

I want to be quite sure that you'll buy this car. So, I'm offering you a very safe method:
just ask your wife or anybody else you want  to send a part of the money (let's say 3000 EUR),via WesternUnion on your name,  so you can pick it up when you come here, in Italy.
After you make the transfer, just email me the sender's name and the money transfer checking number, so I can check the transfer on  
After I see that you made the transfer for sure, I will reserve the car for you and tell the others that it was sold.
When you come here, in Italy, you'll just pick up that moeny from the Western Union office and pay me (together with the rest of the money) for the car, in cash.
Please let me know if this is alright with you.

--- Fin du code ---

ma reponse:  

--- Code: ---hi,
there is no reason to make a deal via western union
i come to italia with all the money and i bought it
no need to reserve, if i told you that i can come in 3 days that's ok
or not for making the deal
if you insist to make the deal via western union i'll think it's a
fake deal like many other ones .
are you ok to receive me with all the money in few days ?
--- Fin du code ---

depuis en attente [ddr555] silence radio

c'est quoi comme caisse cette fois ? :D

rooo une trapanelle :o

une polo de 2005 moteur 1.4 16s avec 10.000km
serie speciale fun (valeur neuve : 17.000€ )

elle est jolie en mode allroad avec jante17 d'origine, retour de bas de parechocs et barres de toit

c'est sûr qu'à 6000€ y a de quoi se faire une belle marge à la revente [:matleflou]

nouvelle reponse [:ddr555]
ca me fait chier d'aller en italie pour rien :D

--- Code: ---Hello  there,

I have to be really sure that you'll buy this car, so I can tell the others who wrote me about this add, that the car was sold.
It seems that you didn't understand me wright. I have never asked you to send any money to me. I have just told you to ask somebody close to you (your wife, a friend of yours, or anybody else you want) to send a part of the money TO YOU. You would be the receiver of that money, therefor the only person that could pick up that money.
Once you do that, I'll send you scanned copy of my passport and my driver license, you can see that everything it's alright.
  I'm sorry, but if you don't make this transfer I can not guarantee you that the car will not be already sold when you arrive here.
Please let me know your decision, as soon as possible. I'll put the talks with the rest of the potential buyers on hold, until I receive your answer.
 I'm an honest person, with a very good reputation and I'll be very happy to close this deal with you.

Chiara Cantini

--- Fin du code ---


--- Citation de: guezpard le 12/09/05 18:40 ---c'est sûr qu'à 6000€ y a de quoi se faire une belle marge à la revente [:matleflou]
--- Fin de citation ---

ben en vente a 11.000 a peu pres elle part dans la semaine
elle se vendent 13 environ le PEU qu'il se vend car serie limitée
11-6 : 5000 de benef [:kneusol]

m'enfin faut pas rever stune arnak je le sens :D


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