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C'est rangé au poils de cul à côté de chez moi :o
merguez a roulettes:
--- Citation de: Hobez le 13/10/16 20:45 ---
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Rajesh Koothrappali:
--- Citation de: Hobez le 13/10/16 20:45 ---
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Ah ouais pas mal l'idée !
amazon ce matin amazon cet aprem
recu tout mes cables commandé hier soir j'ai tout passé , dans les coudes c'est la limite max des goulottes , ca boursoufle un peu mais je peux pas faire mieux so
plus qu'a poser l'ecran et l'install video sera finie entierrement
--- Citer ---Reason for this issue:
Since (!) Android v21: Android only supports AC3 via the API, the Rest is done "by hack", e.g. just sending IEC frames via PCM
Before: No passthrough at all (only hacks)
The solution android wants us to use:
1) Disable alle (!) passthrough on Android lower than version 21
2) Enable only AC3 on Android v21+
3) Enable AC3, DTS, DTSHD, EAC3 on level v23 and higher
(4) Use the latter on shield + v22, too)
5) For AMLogic check the values of the formats and change accordingly.
That means no DTS for everybody until Android v6 is released. Alternatively we leave it as is and don't touch the volume :-) (*)
(*) We let the volume handble by the OS as for TVs there is no separate volume, you need to change the TVs volume itself. Same for CEC keys and so on.
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Set "number of channels" to 2.0.
"Output configuration" to optimised.
"Enable Passthrough" on
"AC3 capable receiver" on
" - Enable Dolby Digital transcoding" on
"DTS capable receiver" off
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