General Motors > Informatique
Smartphone sous Linux, Nokia N900
captain_beefheart: :o
et ca fonctionne ?
--- Citation de: SaVio le 28/08/10 17:55 ---et ca fonctionne ?
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--- Code: --- Q: Why does the screen remain in landscape, I thought Android could do portrait?
A: Android Does indeed support portrait mode that is FULLY FUNCTIONAL, and NITDroid has accelerometer support. But Android thinks the keyboard is open all the time, until this issue is taken care of Android will remain in landscape mode only.
Q: Why Is their no Phone/3G support Currently, is their ever going to be?
A: Their is no support yet due to Nokia using a closed source interface to the actual cellular modem that is called PhoNet. This is non standard and requires some creative modification to get Android to work with it, this is activly being looked at.
Q: Why can't I dim out the screen in Android?/Why does my N900 seem to get very warm while using NITDroid? It doesn't in maemo...
A: All issues such as the above and related to them are due to power management issues, the device currently seems to lock to 500mhz permanently when in android, and the backlight is a similar problem.
Q: Why isn't the UI smooth?
A: This Problem is mostly due to the simple fact that Android (eclair and above especially) are heavily dependant on graphical power, and at this time the NITDroid Port has no hardware based graphics acceleration (the excellent PowerVR SGX GFX Chip is not being used) and therefore the entire OS is displayed and rendered using software emulation which is obviously a lot slower.
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Ca a évolué: mode portrait par défaut, téléphone fonctionnel à la prochaine màj, UI plus rapide qu'avant.
Bon pour nitdroid, vivement la màj pour téléphone et utilisation de la puce graphique :d
Pour Maemo> testé Opera mobile: bien plus puissant et fuilbe que firefox mobile, c'est un plaisir à utiliser, il dépasse aussi microb.
Timed silencer: bien pratique: permet de définir les horaires de mise en silencieux et en général, possible de configurer des horaires différents pour chaque jour
et meego ? :o
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